Grem and Teej - on their way (back)

Monday 20 February 2006

Our first setback

I take back what i said about Chinese food. Outside of Beijing we have seen nothing that we would eat at home. It's amazing.

On our last night in Kaifeng we visited the night market one more time and gorged on noodle soup, steamed dumplings (mmm), sticky rice and toffee fruit on sticks....

Hundreds of food stalls

The nifty noodle makers

Tim with his 3Yuan feast - there's 15Y to the pound!

Now we're in Zhangzhou, about to leave for Shanghai. So much for 'overland all the way' - we are having to catch a flight as there is no space on a train for the next week. Or so we think. We can't seem to understand anyone well enough to figure out if that's what they really mean. The woman at the flight desk was the only person we could understand, so we went with her!

Another set back - our dream of fighting with the Shaolins - at least watching them - has been shattered. It was the only reason we came to Zhengzhou, but no ATM will serve us, no bank will change our dollars and the hostel staff are the least helpful beings on the planet. So we can't make it to the Shaolin temple as we have no cash! Very disappointing...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a lot of lovely food!

10:39 am


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