Grem and Teej - on their way (back)

Saturday 18 March 2006

A Hong Kong haircut!

For those of you who enjoyed Tim's 'beard to Beijing' experiment, here is the next installment!

Having decided in the Hong Kong heat that his hair was far too hot, Tim decided to rid himself of his curly mop - and I was to be the barber!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim, you look even more like that Irish actor, whose name now eludes me, than ever! I am impressed with Daniele's haircutting skills, though am not sure I would like her to practise on me. Well done for being so brave!

11:24 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking at pic 3 I have come to the conclusion that Daniele is actually going out with Morrissey...

1:53 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe, but I think he's James Nesbit!

7:25 pm


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